Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Article Planning

My article is an interview with an indie alternative solo artist, named Rosie Tyas. It is about her new album, recent successes and about headlining the NME Awards Tour. The purpose of my article will be to entertain and inform. 

I will be using colloquial language using sophisticated terms with use of personal pronouns in order to suit my target audience. Words such as 'we' further engage the reader and make them feel more involved. 
Morphology is commonly used in articles featured in indie music magazines, using words such as blog, punklayered, uniqueness, unrelentless, indie-orchestral, hyperactive-drumming ect.
Lots of strong describing words are also commonly used such as, psychedelic, dazzling, explosions, melodies, pounding hooks, wildly , sky-scraping harmonies etc.

I will be incorporating all of these words into my article to make it as professional as possible.  

The full article/interview is usually between 700-900 words.There are about 150-200 words in an average paragraph, and about 8-10 words per line.

Before the start:
My title is 'You Can't Write Songs Without Drugs' this is edgy and controversial and will grab the readers attention and they will most likely go on to read the article. I will include an introduction that will briefly sum up what the interview is about, it will be something along the lines of 'Sophie Stratford talks to British solo artist Rosie Tyas about her new album (name), recent successes and her thoughts on headlining the NME Awards Tour'. And then go on to write a kicker paragraph to inform and hook readers further. 

My first paragraph needs to be interesting enough to encourage readers to read on. I will make the content important and interesting by using rhetorical questions, strong describing words and including new exclusive comments made by my solo artist, Rosie Tyas, that haven't been heard before. These first comments will intrigue the reader into reading the rest of the article as it will give them a hint that there is more to follow.

As my article is an interview important and interesting content will flow right through the entire article. However more of the exciting questions, answers and information will feature at the beginning to hook the reader in. 

I will end my article with a positive rhetorical question to make the reader think. This adds impact and asks the reader to think about what the future will hold for the artist. This question will also sum up the spirit of the article as this solo artist is doing very well in the music industry.

Extra text on the page:
A quote will be used, acting as a title, 'You Can't Write Songs Without Drugs', this is a direct relation to the artist.
I could use a playlist as this would be relevant for the content of my article as my artist has a new album out and is playing many live shows as well as headlining The NME Awards Tour. There will be a compeition at the end of the article to give readers a chance to win two free tickets to one of her live shows - they will just log on to the magazines website and respond online.

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