Wednesday 6 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7 


You can see clearly when I compare my two front covers (final product and prelim) that I have developed my skills in using both software and hardware. 
My photoshop skills have developed a lot, as In my prelim I used basic text techniques whereas in my final product some of my text is distorted and rotated, in different sizes and I've used a variation of fonts. 
My photography skills have grown considerably, for instance in my prelim the image is slightly  over exposed and this has created a off white to light yellow background. The image in my final product further resembles professional practise as I learnt how to compose a photograph; I learnt how to use the 3 point lighting set up in the studio and set up aperture and shutter speed setting on the camera to ensure that my image wasn't over or under exposed. 

Both my models eye lines are on the top third creating direct address with the viewer, this was a convention I learnt right from the start of my prelim. In both prelim and final product my models and their costume were well picked for the target audience and genre I had chosen for the magazine, I think this was because I am well in touch with in season fashion and how young people like to dress and certain tribe stereotypes. 
In my prelim I have a sound understanding of magazine terminology however it has definitely developed and this can be seen in my final product - I have made good use of puffs, banners, sell lines, skyline, masthead etc. The text to image radio is more balanced in my final product as I had researched more into other magazines of the rock indie genre so had plenty of ideas for cover lines, skylines etc - the content was more researched. 

Comparing my Prelim Contents Page to my Final Product you can see straight away some very obvious developments. I learnt about the layout and the importance of it, the design of the prelim page is initially there it just needed more thought, work and research, on the other hand my final contents page uses a lot of conventions of professional texts and it has an exciting design that creates a lot of interest and bares a lot of useful information. 
The alignment of text and icons in my prelim contents page is inaccurate whereas in my final contents page all text is accurately and precisely aligned - my skills in Indesign widened and improved and I made proper use of the rulers in my final product. There is lots of open white space in my prelim page and the text to image ratio is further towards the text, whereas on my final contents page there isn't any open white space and there are four images to balance out the text. Leaving open white space isn't a convention of these types of magazines and makes the page look unprofessional. 
In my prelim I have grasped the basic skills of InDesign, placing text and image, creating icons and using different fonts, however in my final product my skills have greatly improved and I have a wider knowledge of the software. In my final product I have rotated photos, cut up my page into different segments and columns, made use of shapes, and I've added a whole range of different effects to my text. 
With regards to the content, I have interesting articles that will draw college students in, and this continues in my final product. In my audience feedback they commented that the sell lines were a big feature that drew them into possibly buying the magazine.  
In conclusion I think my final product resembles a professional music magazine. 

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